viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

Living Things

We Are Living Things!

Our students have an extensive knowledge  of the characteristics of both living and nonliving things.  In this first unit of natural science, our 5th grde students are further exploring the internal structure of what makes up a living organisim as well as how to classify living organisims.

The following links provide students extra reinforcment of content taught in the classroom.  It is important that students access this extra material at home to access both the visual and audio content in an engaging manner. 

Back to English!

3rd Grade Back To School English!

Our students are continuously improving their ability to communicate in English.  Each year our students learn more in depth about common everday topics.  As we start this school year, it only makes sense that our first topic is language related to the school.  In class with the help of our incredible teachers and native conversation teachers our students have been discussing places in the school, school subjects, school schedules, and activities performed within the school.  They are building on their knowledge from the previous years.
It is important as the topics become more indepth, that the students continue to practice and reinforce the English vocabulary and grammar at home.

The following link provides an engaging interactive game that uses the students knowledge of school supplies, school subjects, and school activities. 


Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Back To School!

Welcome back 3rd graders and families! We are all excited about another exciting bilingual school year.  Our students have all shown great improvments in their ability to communicate in English over the past two years and we hope to see even greater improvements this year.

In our first unit of natural science, we have already started to engage our students in complex content related to the human body.

As in the past years, it is important that our students continue to access content at home to reinforce content taught in the classroom. 

The following links provide the students engaging practice related to the parts of the human body: 

Welcome to 1st Grade!

Welcome Back 1st Grade! 

We are so excited for the start of the new school year.  Our students have already begun to immerse themselves in the English language with the help of our wonderful teachers, including our three native conversation teachers: Misha, Mike, Kaitlyn.

In both English and Social Science, our first graders are engaging in conversation related to our school including: school supplies, school subjects, places in the school, and school staff.  

In order for your student to excel in the bilingual program here at Mater Immaculata it is extremely important that topics and vocabulary taught in the classroom are practiced at home as well. 

The following links provide extra engaging activities for the students:

School Supplies Crossword Puzzle

School Supplies Word Search 

School Supplies Interactive Board Game 

School Supplies Memory Game 

School Supplies Matching Game 

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015

Mixtures & Fruits

Hola bilinguals!

En una unidad tan complicada llamada ``matter and materials´´, los alumnos de tercero se divierten aprendiendo. ¿Cómo lo hacen? Jugando a ser unos ``MATER CHEFS´´.

Los profesores solo les hemos proporcionado los materiales correspondientes, unas cuantas indicaciones y... ¡Voilà! Una rica macedonia de frutas. Así da gusto aprender.

¡Bien hecho chic@s! :)

P.D: Gracias también a nuestros queridos auxiliares de conversación Misha y Mike por su gran ayuda. Thanks a lot!

domingo, 3 de mayo de 2015


Hi Bilinguals!

Have you ever heard about Prezi? Prezi is an educative tool to create presentations about topics. Sometimes some of the units can be difficult to study for kids: history for example.

Prezi makes everything simple.

Have a look and study history from another perspective!

domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

Have you ever wondered?

Hello bilinguals!

You know what? Nature has always been so gentle with humans... Nature offers us a wide range of resources we can employ then to make new materials.

It is our responsability to use those resources with intelligence and never make a bad use of them. Glass and paper are examples of the generosity of Mother Nature

Have you ever wondered how to make glass from sand?

Have you ever wondered how to make paper from trees?


martes, 24 de marzo de 2015

Let's learn about invertebrates!

Hello Kids!!

Now that Easter is coming, we recommend you to rest and enjoy your holiday! However and pretending not to forget what we have already learned about invertebrates, we also suggest you to learn and sing the ``ICKY INSECTS SONG´´!

There you have the lyrics and you can use them to impress your family. Insects are cool!

An insects body is made up of three parts
The head, the thorax and the abdomen
An exoskeleton that's nice and hard
Protects the insect because it wont break or bend

Icky, icky insects have six legs
Icky, icky insects hatch from eggs
Icky, icky insects all around
In the air, and sea and on the ground

Icky, icky insects have a shell that covers up their head
It helps protect them, keeps them safe and strong
One pair of purple shoes for each pair of legs
Six in all, it helps them move along

Icky, icky insects have six legs
Icky, icky insects hatch from eggs
Icky, icky insects all around
In the air, and sea and on the ground

Insects are called arthropods
With distinctly divided body parts
An exoskeleton that's nice and hard
Because insects play an important part of our world 

Icky, icky insects have six legs
Icky, icky insects hatch from eggs
Icky, icky insects all around
In the air, and sea and on the ground



jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015

Compare and Contrast: Venn Diagram

Hola a todos,

a veces, para entender mejor un concepto, es necesario comparar y contrastar ideas. Para ello la estrategia de usar un diagrama de Venn es la mejor opción.

Esto es lo que hacemos en el Mater cada vez que dos conceptos tienen mucho parecido entre sí. En los cursos de tercero hemos hecho un compara y contrasta para distinguir mejor lo que son REPTILES y lo que son ANFIBIOS. Y todo eso en inglés, claro ;)

¡Enhorabuena chic@s!


viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

Latitude and Longitude

Hola a tod@s!

En algunos cursos de tercero y quinto se están viendo conceptos de ciencias sociales bastante difíciles para los alumnos: la latitud y la longitud. 

Estos términos en inglés resultan todavía más complicados de entender. 

Es por tanto que los profesores os aconsejamos las siguientes páginas web  y el siguiente vídeo para que ellos puedan aprender jugando. 

- Treasure hunt (In English)
- En español:


lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015

The life cycle of a frog

Hi everybody!

In 3RD GRADE, we are learning about the life cycle of a frog. So we have given to our students a coloured card, plasticine, coloured pencils and images of this amazing process.


Student's work in 3RD Grade



Nos adentramos en el maravilloso mundo del reino animal, donde los niños podrán descubrir las principales características de los vertebrados, invertebrados, mamíferos, reptiles, anfibios, aves y peces. Para ello hemos elaborado un pequeño esquema en el que se ve claramente la clasificación de los mismos atendiendo a diferentes criterios de clasificación.

 First grade is learning about the main animal classification. One strategy to improve their knowledge is to use this drawing:

martes, 10 de febrero de 2015

Web Resources- Seterra

Buenos días,

Hay veces que cuando estudiamos geografía, se nos hace demasiado duro porque se trata de memorizar, memorizar y volver a memorizar. Todas esas ciudades, ríos y países del mundo (que no son pocos) se nos hacen muy cuesta arriba recordarlos todos y nos cuesta mucho.

Sin embargo, todos estos conocimientos son necesarios pues es cultura general. Y en un mundo cada vez más internacional se vuelven imprescindibles. Es por ello que, desde el Mater Immaculata, os recomendamos a todos a descargar un programa llamado Seterra.

Desde la página oficial se puede descargar Seterra  gratuitamente en el ordenador. O también se puede jugar online en

En esta página web podréis encontrar, tanto en ingles o en español, todos aquellos países, ciudades, comunidades autónomas, ríos.. etc. Y lo mejor es que... ¡podréis aprender jugando!

Pues de eso se trata, aprender jugando es la manera más efectiva de aprender. Así que niños y niñas del Mater...
¡Manos a la obra!

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015

Mind-maps about Mammals.

Hello there!

Mind maps are useful techniques to be used when learning. We have already talked about the benefits when studying with mind maps. Let's remember some of them:

- Creativity Improvement.
- We better remember the most difficult concepts.
- They can be applied to real life
- Its making requires to know what you are talking about...
- Many others...

Third grade is learning to know how to use mind maps. We have tried to make one about mammals. This is what children have done!


viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

Living-things / Non-living things (1EP)

Hello children!

In the first stages of Primary, we are learning about what is a living thing and what is not. We are making some murals in the classroom for that.

Science and English teachers reccommend you to enter into this web page and register for free. 

There you will find e-books for children of these ages with activities related to the concrete reading. These books are good strategies to learn and improve the English of our little ones.

Do not be afraid and read an English book with your children! =)

Best regards!

sábado, 24 de enero de 2015

Continents and Oceans

Hola a todos,

aquí tenéis más recursos web para utilizar en el área de Ciencias Sociales.

- Contients:

- Oceans and Seas:


jueves, 22 de enero de 2015


Hello there!

Los niños y niñas de tercero de primaria están aprendiendo ``The surface of the Earth´´en Social Science y ``Mammals and Birds´´ en Natural Science.

Os recomendamos entrar en los enlaces que vienen en el blog en la parte de donde pone... para que los niños puedan jugar y aprender jugando con estos links desde el ordenador o una tablet.

- Living things:
- Animals:
- The landscape:

- Landscape changes caused by man and nature.

- Natural Landscapes:

- Montainous relief:

- Urban landscapes

- Self-evaluation

Esperamos que sean suficientes.


domingo, 18 de enero de 2015

Mind Maps Are Useful Tools To Learn!

¡Hola a todos!

Estos días los niños de cuarto de primaria han realizado unos ``mind maps´´ o, en castellano mapas mentales, para estudiar los animales vertebrados e invertebrados en clase de Science

Lo cierto es que son muchas las ventajas de estudiar con ``mind maps´´ sobretodo a estas edades y, todavía más, si la asignatura está en inglés. 

- Favorecen a la creatividad del niño.
- Recuerdan aspectos señalados en el mapa con mayor frecuencia.
- Se pueden aplicar en todas las áreas de la vida y del saber.
- Su elaboración requiere saber de lo que se está hablando.
- Entre otras muchas...

Por eso, es bueno que los niños y niñas del Mater realicen mapas mentales para estudiar. Así podrán organizar mejor sus ideas y comprender los conceptos más fácilmente... ¡Sobretodo en inglés!

¡Aquí os dejamos unos ejemplos!

Si todavía tenéis alguna duda de cómo hacerlos, no dudéis entrar en el siguiente enlace:

¡Gracias niños y niñas de cuarto! 
¡Vuestros trabajos son la bomba!

jueves, 15 de enero de 2015

Water Cycle Experiment

We can make our own water cycle with the following materials:
  • Large container
  • Plastic wrap
  • Soil
  • Sand
  • Small rocks
  • Small container of water
 Now, follow the next steps:

  1. Fill the large container with a layer of small rocks, a layer of sand and a layer of soil. 

      2.  Fill the small container with water. Place it on top of the soil.

      3. Cover the large container with the plastic wrap.

Now you have to observe carefully:

a) What happened to the water in the small container?
b) What's the name of this change of state?
c) Can you predict if it will rain?
d) Why is this similar to the water cycle?